Is There A Difference in Having A Male vs Female Swim Instructor?
Male vs Female Swim Instructors is an important question most parents ask when it comes to teaching their child. Will my child be comfortable with a male or female? Will they listen to a male or female? Will they be afraid? Who is better at teaching a male or a female?
The answer is neither right or wrong. The question one should ask themselves is; does my child enjoy the water? Are they afraid of the pool? Do they listen to easy 1,2 step instructions?
Your child will probably be nervous of a stranger in the swimming pool anyhow. Most of us have taught our kids not to talk to strangers regardless of a male or female. Although it is important for your child to feel comfortable with their swim instructor, chances are they will be nervous or unsure at first meeting their instructor.
As a parent, making the decision of introducing your child to a life saving skill such as learning how to swim is one of the best decisions you could ever make for them. Whether a male or female instructor is best is commonly asked next.
When you set up your child’s lesson for swimming-
Some key factors will come into play beforehand to help your child adjust to having a male or female instructor in their home.
- It is best advised to talk about your child having swim lessons days before hand, and also on the day of.
Talking about how they’re going to have a friendly, fun teacher to come and play in the pool with them. Yes swim lessons are structured, but telling your child how much fun they’re going to have learning helps them feel better about being in the water.
- Make sure that the time you scheduled your child works best for their schedule. Try not to schedule it when you know that’s their nap time, or eating a meal time. Try not to “rush” and build anxiety for your child’s lesson. Children are very receptive to feelings, and can be very emotional already. Speaking calmly, and talk about all of the great things that they’re going to be doing. Example; swimming like a mermaid, kicking like a dolphin, etc.)
- Make sure your own pool temperature is comfortable. No one likes to be
- Try not to feed your child a big meal before hand because eating before swimming